

As the CEO of Perdix Software, I'm frequently called upon by our customers, to make recommendations about how they can improve their processes.
After all, the worst thing you can do, when you implement a new software package, is to automate a bad process.
So, working with …

I grew up in Rochester, NY in the 1980s and 1990s.
It seemed like everyone’s Mom and/or Dad worked for Kodak. And that was probably an accurate worldview for a kid to have, considering that, in 1982, Kodak accounted for 25% of all salaries in Rochester, and, by …
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That's once a day for about 11.25 years. Even if you had 72 years to do it, like my new friend on the ski lift, it's still a jaw-dropping figure.
We were on the high speed quad at Bristol Mountain, so our ride was short. I didn't inquire …
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When it comes to software, "customization" is a wolf in sheep's clothing. On the surface, customization seems like a great concept: we'll build some piece of functionality that is truly unique, and fits your business case like a glove. Given any issue, customization is the fastest way to …
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Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has been a popular way to sell and deliver software for decades. Here at Perdix Software, our flagship product, MOLI, is sold using a SaaS model. Let's take a look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of SaaS, and discuss some of the ways we …
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The image of a well-oiled machine is a common allegory for simplicity. Everything “just works”, and you can rely on the machine to be reliable, stable, and do the work it was designed to do. But such a metaphor belies what is actually going on. For the machine …
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I want to sell you a pair of jeans. I’ll even give you a good price! Only $3000! They’re a women’s size 10. What’s that, you say? You’re a man, and you wear 46x32? You’re pregnant, and you need a maternity size? You’re in the seventh grade, and …
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GoLinkapp下载-GoLink安卓版 v1.9.2 - 安下载:2021-6-15 · 安下载为您提供最新版GoLinkapp下载,GoLink是一款专为海外华人打造的国内网络访问的软件,是海外华人必备的访问工具,能够让华人自由的访问国内网络,掌握国内的资讯新闻,身在外国也可伍了解到家乡的一点一滴,寄托
"We're thrilled to have this opportunity to share our story with an audience of prospective clients, employees, and investors," said Steven Smith, …
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Perdix Software has been selected by High Tech Rochester to participate in the 2015 HTR LaunchPad program. The program, modeled after the highly-acclaimed Lean LaunchPad program developed at Stanford University, is funded locally by a grant from the Max and Marian Farash Charitable Foundation. HTR LaunchPad is for …
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